Friday, April 10, 2009

Let's Talk about Sex (in the Bridge)

Check out our promo video for our new sermon series, "Sexual Revolution" in The Bridge, April 19-May 3rd.


  1. Well.... I think a few folks @ Stonebridge are a little anxious about the sex series. I look forward to it, yet I wonder about the divisiveness that "sex" usually brings into the UMC.

    I will say that since it is being talked about, it should be done "no holds barred" to a certain extent. No, I don't mean in a sex ed 101 way, but rather discuss the pain and anguish it can bring. Let's not sugar coat it the way Hollywood, tv, and music too often does.

  2. You are a brave man, David! My thoughts and prayers are with you as you launch into the new series on sex. I hope that everyone at the Bridge will be open to hearing God's word for their sex lives and the sex lives of their family, friends, and children.

    If pastors can't talk openly about God's intention for sex and our sexuality from the pulpit, then where can it be talked about openly?

    I'll check in over the next few weeks to see how it's going!
